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Students Could Be Eligible For Grocery Money

Students Could Be Eligible For Grocery Money

Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (SEBT) is a federal program that helps cover the cost of meals for children while school is on break. Households receive a one-time $120 per eligible student for food to span June, July, and August.

What is SEBT?

SEBT is a government-run program to help students who lose access to free and reduced-price meals through the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program during summer when school is not in session.

Who is Eligible?

Students (age 6 to 17 as of Aug. 1, 2023) are automatically approved for a SEBT card if they have received SNAP, KTAP and/or Kinship Care for at least one month since July 1, 2023. Others who did not receive such benefits but fall within the income eligibility limits can apply for SEBT.

FAQ & Income Chart

How Do I Apply?

Starting June 22, you can apply online. You will need verification of the household’s monthly income and the State Student Identification (SSID), which is found under Infinite Campus Parent and Student, number located next to the student’s picture under the school calendar information, listed Student State ID.

Go to KYNECT Benefits

Log in via Kentucky Online Gateway

Need to Know More?

Visit the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer webpage under the state’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services, or call (855) 306-8959 for assistance.

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In an unrelated program, free meals are available for children and students age 18 and younger through June and July.

Free Meals Schedule