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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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Graduation Requirements

KY State Graduation Requirements:

The state of Kentucky has a set list of courses that students must take to be eligible for graduation.  These requirements are:

4 credits of English,

(English 1, 2, 3, 4)

4 credits of Mathematics  for students who entered HS in 2019 and after

(Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Elective Math)

3 credits of Social Studies,

(World Civ, U.S. History, Citizenship)

3 credits of Science,

(Physics Earth/Space, Chemistry Earth/Space, Biology Earth/Space)



and 10 credits of Electives.

*In 2010 a new KY law regarding Math went into effect.  All students must take a math class every year.  For some students, the fourth year of Math will count as an elective.

TCHS Grade Level Classification:

To be classified as a 10th grader, you must have earned, at least, 6 credits.

To be classified as an 11th grader, you must have earned, at least, 12 credits.

To be classified as a 12th grader, you must have earned, at least, 18 credits.

TCHS students need to complete 26 credits to graduate.

What else is required for graduation?

Passing the Civics Test is a requirement for graduation.

All student fines must be paid in full.

Pre-College Curriculum

Many colleges require two years of a foreign language, Algebra 2, and Chemistry or Physics for full admission to their institution.